Charlie's Blog

Welcome to a blog about a boy with a rare heart disease, his mum and dad, and his adventures.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Sweet Baby Charlie

That was a quick week. We are all packed up and Matt is slumbering away, getting ready for his 4am wake up time. He has volunteered to be the 'get one last feed in before the pre-op 6 hours time limit on food', which will be a 4am - 5am fees. Oh joy. Please, please, Charlie - don't wake up. Just sleep through that feed and wake up surprisingly full from your slumber.

Tomorrow we are off to Sick Kids, leaving ridiculously early in the morning. Charlie's surgery isn't until 11am, but we have to be there by 9am for settling in. The traffic recently has been atrocious, so we are leaving realllly early in order to get there, on time and stress-free. We'd rather be early and sit together and have a tea, then be late and running around.

Here is Charlie today:

Mischievous little monkey, eh?! He's crawling EVERYWHERE. It's awesome. I so enjoy him when he's just hanging out with me in the kitchen, or we are just playing together. He loves to chase me around upstairs on the carpet (better on the knees). His giggle is infectious.

So, tomorrow is what it is. We'll update Facebook at least once, post-op, and I'll update the blog later. Keep Charlie in your good thoughts tomorrow. He's such a sweetie.

Sweet Baby James - James Taylor

There is a young cowboy, he lives on the range. His horse and his cattle are his only companions.
He works in the saddle and he sleeps in the canyons, waiting for summer, his pastures to change.
And as the moon rises he sits by his fire, thinking about women and glasses of beer.
And closing his eyes as the doggies retire, he sings out a song which is soft but it's clear
as if maybe someone could hear...

Goodnight you moon light ladies, rock-a-bye sweet baby James.
Deep greens and blues are the colors I choose, won't you let me go down in my dreams?
And rock-a-bye sweet baby James.

Now the first of December was covered with snow
and so was the turnpike from Stockbridge to Boston.
Though the Berkshires seemed dreamlike on account of that frosting,
with ten miles behind me and ten thousand more to go.
There's a song that they sing when they take to the highway,
a song that they sing when they take to the sea,
a song that they sing of their home in the sky, maybe you can believe it if it helps you to sleep,
but singing works just fine for me.

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